Sanitation & Recycling
Everyone within the Alma city limits is required to dispose of trash correctly.
To obtain trash collection service please contact one of the providers listed below.
The City has a contract with Republic Services. Any questions plese feel free to call the City at 469-881-1405
Republic Services 800-328-7274
Keep Alma Beautiful
Stop Illegal Dumping
Report Illegal Dumping
The North Central Texas Illegal Dumping Hot line
1.888.335.DUMP (1.888.335.3867) 24 hours a day.
Necessary Information
- Name of the city and county where the dumping occurred.
- Specific street location within the city.
- Type of waste dumped.
- License plate number or description of vehicle and violator if possible.
- Date and time of violation.
- Your name and phone number.
Penalties for Dumping Under the Texas Litter Abatement Act
Class C Misdemeanor ~ fine up to $500
Litter of 5 pounds or less, or a volume of 5 gallons or less.
Class B Misdemeanor ~ fine up to $2,000 and/or up to 180 days in jail
More than 5 pounds but less than 500, or a volume of more than 5 gallons but less than 100 cubic feet.
Class A Misdemeanor ~ fine up to $4,000 and/or up to 1 year in jail
500 pounds or more but less than1,000 pounds, or a volume of 100 cubic feet or more but less than 200 cubic feet.
State Jail Felony ~ fine up to $10,000 and/or up to 2 years in jail
1,000 pounds or more or a volume of 200 cubic feet or more.
If a person has been previously convicted of violating this act, that person's punishment will be upgraded to the next highest category for any subsequent violation. For example, for a person with a prior conviction of a Class A misdemeanor, the next conviction will result in a punishment for third degree felony.
How You Can Help
- Always dispose of your own litter properly and encourage others to do the same.
- Do not transport unsecured debris in the back of a vehicle. Always use a tarp or some other cover. Debris flying out of trucks is subject to the same penalties.
- Spread the word to friends and neighbors that illegal dumping is a crime.
- Organize volunteer cleanups of illegal dump sites. People are less likely to litter in clean areas.
- Write and call your local or county officials and let them know illegal dumping is a concern in your community.
- Do not pay roofing or other contractors until they present you with a landfill receipt showing that your waste was properly disposed.
- Report illegal dumping to: The North Central Texas Illegal Dumping Hot line: 1.888.335.DUMP (1.888.335.3867) 24 hours a day.
Information from the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the North Central Texas Council of Governments.